WIN: Championship Traits For Life - CPT(R) Ben Harrow
We’re not gonna hold back, our first episode of WIN is EPIC.
Watch or listen to this interview with Ben Harrow and you’ll have the word perseverance redefined while also learning how to conquer past incredibly intense adversity. Let us know what you love and learned!

Captain Ben Harrow is an accomplished special forces officer and decorated American hero, as well as a father, husband, and athlete. His journey started as an athlete, culminating in a collegiate Lacrosse career at West Point Military Academy. After graduation. Ben earned the rank of Captain and began his military career which included deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. In May of 2012, while deployed in Afghanistan, Ben was leading a team of Green Berets on an anti terrorism mission when he stepped on an IED. He lost both legs above the knee, two fingers, and a large portion of flesh from his right forearm.
In spite of Doctors telling him that he would be restricted to a wheelchair the rest of his life, Ben refused to accept that outcome. Two months after stepping on the IED, Ben was out of Bed and moving. In spite of being told his femur was now too short for prosthetic limbs, Ben researched and found an experimental procedure to grow his femur bone back. After multiple surgeries, Ben was able to grow back 6.5 inches of his femur setting world records in the process. The procedure is now the standard for soldiers with similar injuries.
If that level of resilience wasn’t enough, Ben continued to push the limits of what he could do. In the summer of 2014, a little over two years after his near fatal accident, Ben stood up and walked under his own power. In June of 2016 Ben joined his team on the lacrosse field to participate in the Shootout For Soldiers event. To take it to another level, Ben began playing goalie for the USA Warriors sled hockey team and had such success at the position that he competes at the world stage having been the goalie for the Italian National Paralympic team.
In spite of his extensive injuries, Ben continues to define the words resilience, perseverance and triumph in the face of adversity.
Ben talks about his love for Lacrosse and time at West Point: 03:16
Ben talks about being the hardest worker in the room: 6:24
Ben gives advice about finding a path in life: 10:35
Ben talks about mental toughness being a learned skill: 14:08
Ben tells his story and how he overcame his adversity: 17:36
Ben talks about his will to compete despite the extreme odds he had to face: 37:30
Ben shares the experience of walking back into his special forces unit: 43:36 Ben shares his secrets to staying in the present moment: 46:19
Ben discusses how the US military is truly the greatest team on the planet: 55:01
Ben talks about his mental fitness routine: 1:00:56
Art Therapy – Tackling Our Challenges Through Expression

“What I found is that I really loved listening to their stories and learning all about how they used art as a way of processing their pain and expressing themselves and kind of communicating all of that to the world.” Kathryn Mullins, a Resident in Licensed Professional Counseling in Virginia with a Master’s in Art Therapy, joined We Are Everyone to discuss how studying artists and their expression led her to a career in art therapy, the beneficial process of recapturing our own creativity, the power behind redefining the word strength and the importance of expanding access to art therapy.
Show notes:
0:00 Intro
0:58 Kathryn shares a little bit of history about herself and how she ended up becoming an art therapist
2:33 Kathryn talks about some of the things that made her be interested in art therapy and not any other counseling
5:07 Kathryn talks about how working as an art therapist led her to work with patients with eating disorders
7:19 Kathryn also talks about some of the methods for applying art therapy to counseling generally
10:34 Kathryn shares her thoughts when she hears the term mental fitness and what it means in her own terms
13:50 Kathryn shares her thoughts on why people need to redefine the terms mental fitness and mental strength
16:00 Kathryn talks about some of her experiences as a resident and licensed professional counselor and how it has impacted her approach to conversations
19:04 Kathryn talks about how her mental fitness techniques evolved throughout the pandemic
22:35 Kathryn talks about why we should not suppress or forget our emotions but recognize and process them as a reference point and how you can use art to help you do that
23:45 Kathryn talks about how creating art has helped her to be mentally fit and how it has helped her approach and stay in a position where she can help others
26:56 Kathryn shares ways in which you can discover yourself and also let loose of the professional side of things a little bit
28:30 Kathryn shares her advice for applying art therapy especially as it comes to mental fitness and how to continue to strengthen our mental fitness and boundaries
30:14 Kathryn also talks about the importance of surrounding yourself with people who are different from you and who will challenge you
31:18 Kathryn talks about the importance of following artists on Instagram and watching films on Netflix about therapy and about art therapy
Books Mentioned:
Vincent Van Gogh and Frida Kahlo:
Quotes Mentioned:
“Art is a great form of self-expression.”
“Our mental health is just as important as our physical health.”
“Food is in a lot of ways how people connect with others and build communities and art is so similar.”
“Everybody has creative instincts and it’s just something they probably lost along the way.”
“It’s okay to back down.”
“Being strong is also being vulnerable and being honest about how you’re feeling.”
“Surround yourself with people from all walks of life.”
Guests Social Media Links:
Defining and Maintaining Your Mental Fitness
“Different workouts work for different people; just as different therapy works for different people.” Sara Battista, Licensed Professional Counselor, and Saroya Tinker, NWHL defenseman, recent graduate of Yale, mentor and podcast host, share the importance of discovering the mental fitness approach that works best for you, tackle toxic positivity and social media impacts, discuss the connection between mental health and activism and advise on the importance of compassion and listening.

0:00 Intro
1:29 Saroya shares a little bit of history about herself, where she’s from, what she does, and also her podcast
2:37 Sara also shares a little bit of background about herself and also what she does as a career
4:42 Saroya talks about the term mental fitness and what comes to her mind when she first hears the term
5:40 Sara also talks about mental fitness, what the term means to her and what comes to her mind when she hears the word
7:26 Sara talks about what to do and what not to do for you to be mentally fit
8:15 Saroya talks about the importance of finding out what works out for you in terms of workouts and therapies so that you remain physically fit
9:16 Saroya shares memories that she has and experiences that she has had that challenge the qualities of resilience
10:24 Sara shares some of the things that the young generations are doing that are challenging the qualities of resilience
12:45 Sara talks about the importance of listening to others and being humbled by their experiences as a way to improve your mental fitness
13:34 Saroya also talks about the importance of listening to others and understand that your experience is not the same as theirs
15:39 Saroya talks about the impact of social media on mental wellness and why people should not post things for the satisfaction of others
17:02 Sara also talks about the impact of social media on mental fitness and why people should be mindful of what they do with their social media platforms
18:26 Saroya talks about the importance of looking deeper into why we’re following what we’re following on social media and how we want it to affect us
19:14 Sara also talks about how social media can cause depression and eating disorders and why you need to be mindful of how much you take in from it
21:51 Saroya talks about how her perspective and approach to mental health has evolved over the years
24:09 Sara also talks about how her perspective and approach to mental health has evolved over the years
27:48 Saroya talks about how the younger generation approaches mental health and what should be done
28:37 Sara also talks about how the younger generation approaches mental health and what she feels should be done
32:43 Sara talks about the importance of being open and having conversations about what you are feeling about mental health
34:20 Saroya and Sara talk about the importance of going for therapy and how that can improve your mental health and that of others
37:43 Sara and Saroya talk about why people should not compare themselves with others and understand that people are different and experience things differently
42:10 Saroya talks about some of the things that she does that she feels fuel her mental fitness muscle
43:01 Sara also shares some of the things that she does that she also feels fuel her mental fitness muscle
46:02 Saroya and Sara share their closing statements and advice that they feel listeners should know Books Mentioned: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
Shows Mentioned:
Quotes Mentioned:
“Different workouts work for different people, just as different therapy works for different people.”
“You get resilience and grit from compassion.”
“Just because you had an experience doesn’t mean that the other person had that same experience.” “Never judge a book by its cover.”
“Uncomfortable emotions are part of the human experience.”
“Everyone has to experience some kind of anxiety, but they don’t know how to name it.”
“Don’t make assumptions and don’t take anything personally.”
“Seek out mental health care, give it a try even if you think you don’t need it or there’s no point.”
Guests Social Media Links:
Sara Battista Website:
Saroya Tinker
Learning to Discover, Process and Communicate Our Best Way Forward

“First, the self has to be excavated and confronted before you can possibly confront the rest of the world.” Juliana Wexler, founder of Parama, and Jared Schuster, holistic life coach and founder of Sparks of Consciousness, join host Jenn Sherman in discussing the importance of examining our values and wielding our authentic emotions to create spaces in life and work that best serve us.
0:00 Intro
2:18 Juliana shares a little background about herself, her company and some of the things she went through that made her start her company
4:30 Jared also shares a little background about himself, his company and some of the things that he went through that made him start his company
12:59 Juliana talks about her approaches in helping people strengthen their mental fitness in details
14:55 Jared also talks about his approaches in helping people strengthen their mental fitness in details
19:59 Juliana talks about the issues that people seek her expertise to resolve and if they are personal or due to people’s pressure
22:22 Jared also talks about some of the issues that he is seeing with his clients that seek his expertise and if they are personal or due to people’s pressure
26:28 Juliana talks about how the pandemic has affected the relationship to mindfulness and career
30:17 Jared also talks about how the pandemic has affected the relationship to mindfulness and career and shares some examples
39:11 Juliana talks about some of the things that she does to fuel her mental fitness muscle so as to keep on doing what she does best
43:25 Jared also talks about some of the things that he does to help him fuel his mental fitness muscle to keep on doing what he does best
50:55 Juliana also shares her thoughts on emotions especially the negative emotions and her advice on that issue
Book(s) Mentioned: The 4-Hour Workweek Book by Tim Ferriss
Juneteenth is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the emancipation of African-American slaves. It is also often observed for celebrating African-American culture. Originating in Galveston, Texas, it has been celebrated annually on June 19 in various parts of the United States since 1865.
Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes, and trends shaping the world. We conduct public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis, and other data-driven social science research. We do not take policy positions.
Shamanism is an ancient method of healing found in many cultures that focuses upon the relief of spiritual pain and suffering through interventions in non-ordinary reality. Non-ordinary reality (see Castaneda, who originally coined the term) can be described as the dimension of the Cosmos that exists outside of and parallel to the linear time-space arena of ordinary awareness.
Black Lives Matter is a decentralized political and social movement protesting against incidents of police brutality and all racially motivated violence against black people.
Quotes Mentioned:
“A lot of us are working unfulfilling jobs, not aligned with a higher purpose just to pay bills.”
“Reflective journaling is one of the most powerful things that we can do, it gets ideas out of the mind and onto paper.”
“Everything that we already know or need to know is already within.”
“In Western society, we are reactive and we don’t treat until it’s a problem.”
“We spend one-third of our entire life at our job, one-third of our life sleeping and the other third eating, showering, watching Netflix, doing all this.”
“Everything that happens at work is reflective of what’s going on in the outside world and vice versa.”
“Covid has just brought up all the darkness and shadows that we were hiding from.”
“Have some gratitude that something shook you and gave you an opportunity to put you on your path.”
“Make lemonade out of lemons that you are given.”
“Start reframing what you’re speaking, because when you speak, you bring it into existence.”
“Gratitude is the highest form of consciousness.”
“Observe the noise from within without reacting right away.”
“Time is the only resource that we cannot get more.”
“Money is just one aspect of true wealth.”
“The problems are from the infrastructure and from the system and not the individual.”
“Nature is so healing and it’s something that we have become so disconnected from.”
Guests Social Media Links:
Juliana Wexler:
Jared Shuster
Fueling Your Emotional State

“The more you can learn to plan for and manage your own emotional state, the more you actually show up and perform at work.” David Rusenko, GM, Commerce at Square Inc. and Meredith Goldberg-Morse, Senior Manager of Social Impact at MTV, join us in the launch of Season Four of We Are Everyone to address how mental health and wellness is impacting businesses and the workforce – a matter that is more important than ever as America enters back into the office. Meredith dives into how MTV helps content creators understand who can serve as that credible mental wellness resource or advisor so that they can pass the right and credible information.
0:00 Intro
5:09 David talks about how the media and social media are impacting mental health, wellness, and fitness, and the technological impact as well on mental fitness
10:14 Meredith talks about how addressing mental health and wellness is guiding her work and how it impacts the decision to run social impact campaigns around mental health
15:19 David talks about how addressing mental health and wellness impacts the decision to run social impact campaigns around mental health
16:43 Meredith talks about the different mental health campaigns or initiatives that MTV was a part of and the guidance that she got from that
20:06 Meredith talks about how their platform helps content creators understand who can serve as that credible resource or advisor so that they can pass the right information
25:30 David talks about work, life balance and what can be done better either from a managerial to a leadership position to ensure that employees are fueling their mental fitness muscles and not necessarily burning out
29:56 David talks about what mental fitness means at a more personal level and what he does to fuel his mental fitness muscles
35:08 David shares his last advice to people and understand that they are not machines and that they need to manage their emotional states every day
Shows Mentioned:
The American Psychiatric Association is the main professional organization of psychiatrists and trainee psychiatrists in the United States, and the largest psychiatric organization in the world. It’s some 38,800 members are mainly American but some are international.
Snapchat is an American multimedia messaging app developed by Snap Inc., originally Snapchat Inc. One of the principal features of Snapchat is that pictures and messages are usually only available for a short time before they become inaccessible to their recipients.
The Mental Health Storytelling Coalition encourages and empowers people to seek support and tell their story, aiming to a meaningfully shift.
Quotes Mentioned:
“There’s no stigma for going to the gym to try to be healthy.”
“The same way we take care of our physical health, we need to take care of our mental health in the same way.”
“Anonymous effect brings out the worst in people sometimes.”
“Gen Z is more open about mental health than previous generations.”
“Your expenses don’t wait.” “The more the merrier.” “People are mentally stronger because they’ve achieved something.”
“Work smarter not necessarily harder.”
“Don’t feel bad about taking time for yourself during the day.”
“Not everyone has the same needs, and your needs could also change day to day.”
“Taking care of your mental health should be viewed as a sign of strength and something that’s ultimately going to benefit the organization rather than a sign of weakness.”
“People respect you 10 times more when you say no and not yes all the time.”
“The more you can learn to plan for and manage your own emotional state, the more you actually show up and perform at work.”
Guests Social Media Links:
Innovation and Mental Wellness

“I think it’s sort of a flywheel where we are possibly using social media and using the Internet in more and different ways.” Danny Dickstein, Brand Partnerships Manager at TikTok, and James Delattre, Associate Vice President for Research and Director of the Office of Entrepreneurship & Commercialization at Penn State join the podcast to discuss the pandemic-driven innovations impacting our relationship with mental wellness and the ways in which companies, future employees, students, and society may be stronger from such adaptations. Considering trends from the growth of fitness and mental health apps to telemedicine and social media use, they examine questions such as how will the market evolve, what will Gen Z’s connection to the digital and social media world teach future workplace teams and how will our understanding of one another shift?
Show Notes:
0:00 Intro
4:05 Danny talks about how the pandemic has caused an increase in innovation and creation of more companies around mental health
10:30 Danny talks about the most interesting innovations that he has seen that has come of year 2020
16:11 Danny talks about how a lot of people feel like they all want to fix the world in this time of the pandemic and how you can use all their ideas to come up with a solution
25:27 James also talks about the challenges he has experienced in the business over the last year and how he has tried to combat them
28:27 Danny talks about how the kind of companies that will be successful after the pandemic
31:02 James talks about the four different generations that are in the workplace and how they can effectively communicate with each other in regards to mental wellness
34:02 Danny also talks about the four different generations that are in the workplace and how they can better have communications about mental wellness
39:06 Danny shares his thoughts on what he feels should be done to improve the communication between the generations in the workforce
50:09 Danny shares some of the things that he does from home that helps him flex his mental fitness muscles
Books Mentioned:
Crisis of Disengagement book by Andrew J. Sherman
Shows Mentioned: Lululemon Athletica, styled as Lululemon Athletica, is an athletic apparel retailer domiciled in Delaware and headquartered in Vancouver. Founded in 1998 as a retailer of yoga pants and other yoga wear, Lululemon has since expanded to sell its products internationally in 491 stores as well as online.
Peloton Interactive, Inc. is an American exercise equipment and media company based in New York City. It was founded in 2012 by John Foley and launched with help from a Kick starter funding campaign in 2013. OpenTable is an online restaurant-reservation service company founded by Chuck Templeton on 2 July 1998 and is based in San Francisco, California. In 1998, the website began operations offering reservations at a limited selection of restaurants in San Francisco.
Telehealth is the distribution of health-related services and information via electronic information and telecommunication technologies. TikTok, known in China as Douyin, is a video-sharing social networking service owned by Chinese company ByteDance. Clubhouse is an invitation-only social media app for iOS and Android where users can communicate in voice chat rooms that accommodate groups of up to 5,000 people. The U.S. Small Business Administration is a United States government agency that provides support to entrepreneurs and small businesses. Bullis School is an independent, co-educational college preparatory day school for grades K-12. The school is located in Potomac, Maryland, a suburb of Washington, D.C. Signal is a cross-platform centralized encrypted messaging service developed by the Signal Technology Foundation and Signal Messenger LLC. Quotes Mentioned: “There are now over 10,000 different apps that are related to mental health.” “It will cost less for health care and for education with the digital transformation.” “The ones that are going to see the most success and most growth and the healthiest growth are the ones who understand that everybody is facing new challenges.” “Make lemonade out of lemons.” “Millennials are in a very interesting part of the life cycle of social media.” “Crisis of Disengagement is like it’s more of the survival of the fittest.” “Embrace the older traditions and match them with the newer traditions.” “Mental wellness, mental fitness for everybody comes at certain times.” “You’re only as happy as your least happy child when you’re a parent.”
Guests Social Media Links:
Treating Your Employees with Respect

“Being an entrepreneur, you learn how to fail fast, but you also learn how to pivot quickly.” Two hospitality experts – Anastasia Dellaccio – Senior Manager – Community Impact and Philanthropy, Corporate Affairs at Booz Allen Hamilton, and Winston Lord, Storyteller and Ambassador, Founder of Lord Hospitality & Former Chief Evangelist at OpenTable, join us for a discussion on the impacts of mental health and the pandemic within the hospitality industry. The guests also highlight the technological advancements and innovations that has happened in the restaurant and hospitality space in the last year and how these advancements will affect the future.
Join in on the conversation on how employers can help bridge the generational gap in the workforce through facilitating dialogue around mental fitness – because #WeAreEveryone
0:00 Intro
2:11 Anastasia talks about how the pandemic has affected their industry in positive and negative ways
5:22 Winston also talks about how the pandemic impacted their industry positively and negatively and what they did to solve some of the problems
9:33 Winston talks about how he has witnessed the impacts of mental health and the pandemic unfold and how they have addressed that within the hospitality industry
11:35 Anastasia also talks about how the impacts of mental health and the pandemic also unfold in their industry and how they have handled the situation
15:16 Winston talks about the importance of treating your employees with respect since you get to retain them as your royal employees
17:59 Anastasia talks about how the pandemic has affected her work, social impact, and philanthropy
21:34 Winston shares his thoughts on how he thinks the pandemic has affected work, social impact, and philanthropy and what leaders need to do
25:31 Anastasia talks about the approach that people should take as they are recovering from the pandemic and lessons learned to help you handle things differently and the importance of saving
29:05 Winston also talks about the lessons that he learned from the pandemic and things that they need to do as they are recovering from it
31:24 Anastasia adds on the biggest lessons that she learned also due to the pandemic that may be helpful to others
34:23 Winston talks about some of the technological advancements that will impact their industry going forward
36:07 Anastasia also talks about some of the technological advancements that impact their industry and also the technology that most businesses will decide to stick with
39:10 Winston also shares his thoughts on the technologies that most business will stick with even after the pandemic and his advice to people in tech
41:33 Anastasia shares the lessons she has personally learned through the pandemic year and how those lessons are guiding her and how she found her Zen
43:16 Winston also shares personal lessons that he learned through the pandemic year and how those lessons are guiding him and how he found his Zen
44:46 Anastasia talks about mental wellness and what mental wellness means to her and what helps improve her mental wellness
47:33 Winston also talks about mental wellness and what the term means to him and what helps improve his mental wellness
50:00 Anastasia shares her parting words and the advice that she would give to other people
51:15 Winston also gives his parting words and the advice that he would give to other people
Shows Mentioned:
The National Restaurant Association is a restaurant industry business association in the United States, representing more than 380,000 restaurant locations. It also operates the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. The association was founded in 1919 and is headquartered in Washington, D.C.
New York is an American biweekly magazine concerned with life, culture, politics, and style generally, and with a particular emphasis on New York City.
Dolci Gelati is an artisan gelato company based in DC that specializes in all-natural, authentic Italian ice cream and sorbet.
The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is a loan designed to provide a direct incentive for small businesses to keep their workers on the payroll.
The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is the national public health agency of the United States. It is a United States federal agency, under the Department of Health and Human Services, and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.
Corporate social responsibility is a type of international private business self-regulation that aims to contribute to societal goals of a philanthropic, activist, or charitable nature by engaging in or supporting volunteering or ethically-oriented practices.
Black Lives Matter is a decentralized political and social movement protesting against incidents of police brutality and all racially motivated violence against black people
GoPuff is a digital delivery service operating in over 650 US cities through approximately 250 fulfillment centers as of March 2021. Users can order items online or via the GoPuff app and get the items delivered. As of March 2021, the company was valued at $8.9 billion.
DoorDash, Inc. operates an online food ordering and food delivery platform. It is based in San Francisco. With a 56% market share, it is the largest food delivery company in the United States. It also has a 60% market share in the convenience delivery category.
Postmates is an American quick-commerce and food delivery service owned by Uber that offers local delivery of restaurant-prepared meals and other goods. As of February 2019, Postmates operates in 2,940 U.S. cities.
Quotes Mentioned:
“An estimated 2.5 million restaurant jobs were lost nationwide in 2020 according to the National Restaurant Association.”
“Employees are also humans.”
“Everyone’s got other things going on besides work.”
“If we can get the industry as a whole to recognize that there needs to be work-life balance, that’s going to help with the mental health moving forward.”
“Retention is a lot cheaper than acquisition.”
“Resilience means adaptability and innovation, in essence.”
“Pandemic showed that hospitality operators are the ultimate entrepreneurs.”
“Being an entrepreneur, you learn how to fail fast, but you also learn how to pivot quickly.”
“Everyone needs hospitality in life.”
“Everywhere I go, portions seem smaller, yet you’re paying twice the price.”
“You need to allow your technology to speak to other software’s in the industry.”
“Everyone’s trying everything right now, but there’s going to be a couple of winners that come out.”
“At the end of the day, when you have to help others, you also have to help yourself.”
“Always look at the bright side.”
“If you put it in the calendar and schedule it, it’ll stay there and you can abide by it.”
“It’s just as important to be selfish sometimes.”
Guests Social Media Links:
Winston Lord:
Company Website
Personal Website
The Strength of Speaking Up with Maurisa Potts

“Your voice is the number one powerful tool that you have and you have to use it to speak up.” Maurisa Potts, Founder & CEO, Spotted MP, joins us for an open conversation about the importance of speaking up and some of the tools that can be used to combat most of the challenges that have come up due to the pandemic. Maurisa also touches on the significance of communication in mental fitness and how it has evolved in terms of mental fitness in her career.
Show notes:
0:00 Intro
1:46 Maurisa talks about some of the challenges that women face at the beginning of their careers or maintaining a seasoned career, especially during the pandemic
4:43 Maurisa talks about being equal in terms of gender and why the glass ceiling that prevents most women to be in more C suite levels needs to be broken
6:25 Maurisa talks about some of the tools that can be used to combat most of the challenges that have come up due to the pandemic
11:35 Maurisa talks about mental fitness, what it means and the four things or pillars that comes to mind when she hears the term
16:02Maurisa talks about financial health and well being and why it is okay to talk about finance and the future and being in control
18:33 Maurisa shares her experiences with the different generations in the workforce, how they can better communicate, learn to understand each other and support each other having different outlooks
23:44 Maurisa talks about the importance of up skilling your staff and training them rather than judging them and calling them old
27:30 Maurisa talks about the significance of communication in mental fitness and how it has evolved in terms of mental fitness in her career
31:04 Maurisa talks about how she promotes other women who fear to speak up and express themselves because they fear being judged
33:34 Maurisa also talks about mental wellness and what it means when she hears the term in her own words
37:08 Maurisa talks about the importance of saying no sometimes to things that don’t sit right with you and how saying no to some things opens up other opportunities
38:38 Maurisa talks about the resources that help her prepare for adversity mentally and that helps her flex her mental fitness muscle
41:33 Maurisa also shares advice that she always gives to people
Shows Mentioned:
The Bureau of Labor Statistics is a unit of the United States Department of Labor. It is the principal fact-finding agency for the U.S. government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics and serves as a principal agency of the U.S. Federal Statistical System.
The National Center for Health Statistics is a principal agency of the U.S. Federal Statistical System, which provides statistical information to guide actions and policies to improve the public health of the American people.
Zoom is a videotelephony proprietary software program developed by Zoom Video Communications. The free plan provides a video chatting service that allows up to 100 concurrent participants, with a 40-minute time restriction. Users have the option to upgrade by subscribing to a paid plan.
Skype is a proprietary telecommunications application that specializes in providing video chat and voice calls between computers, tablets, mobile devices, the Xbox One console, and smart watches over the Internet. Skype also provides instant messaging services. Users may transmit text, video, audio and images.
The National Council on Aging was founded in 1950 as the first charitable organization in the U.S. that would provide a national voice for older Americans and act as their advocates in dealing with service providers and policymakers.
The New York Times is an American daily newspaper based in New York City with a worldwide readership. Founded in 1851, the Times has since won 130 Pulitzer Prizes, and has long been regarded within the industry as a national “newspaper of record”. It is ranked 18th in the world by circulation and 3rd in the U.S.
Boys & Girls Clubs of America is a national organization of local chapters which provide voluntary after-school programs for young people.
Quotes Mentioned:
“46% of women said they were experiencing symptoms related to depression or anxiety by the end of 2020.”
“Alcohol also interrupts your sleep.”
“One of the things we all have in common is that we’re going to get old.”
“You live and learn.”
“Everyone still has a lot more gas in the tank to give.”
“People like to make fun of other people.”
“Our voice is so powerful and we have to use it to the best of our ability to communicate whatever we need to say.”
“Even if it’s difficult things, you have to communicate.”
“It’s important to understand where people are coming from or what their viewpoints are and sometimes they’ll agree to disagree.”
“Your voice is the number one powerful tool that you have and you have to use it to speak up.”
“Sometimes your voice will not be the favored one, but you have to stay true to whatever you believe in and stand your ground.”
“It’s okay to be the only one at a table and eat alone sometimes.”
“People don’t get what they want because they don’t ask for what they want.”
“If it doesn’t create fire in your belly, it doesn’t sit in your heart, or it causes that anxiety and stress and depression where you just get so anxious because you have to do this thing and really don’t care for it, say no.”
“Continue to work on feeding your present brain and sun-setting your worry brain.”
Guests Social Media Links:
Personal Website
Company Website