In this episode, Sandy discusses with her personal mental wellness gurus, Beth Shaha & Jen Hampton, what mental fitness means to them and how they incorporate it into everyday life.

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Beth introduces the concept of “the power of the pause” and using it to make decisions while Jen talks about the importance of listening to what your body is telling you and tapping into your own intuition.   Both bring powerful insights and practices that will help us all to make mental fitness part of our daily routine.


Show Notes

00:23 Sandy opens the show by introducing Beth Shaha and Jen Hampton, her “personal gurus”

2:54 Jen’s definition of mental fitness reminds us all to take a chance on ourselves

6:13 Beth defines mental fitness as making the choice to be intentional about being present for each moment

12:10 Jen goes in depth on the truth of intuition and receiving confirmation through your body

18:00 Beth uses the phrase “the power of the pause” to illustrate the power in taking the time to make decisions 

23:50 Sandy asks the guests, what are the small things you do everyday for your mental fitness? 

28:59 The group discusses embracing “messy” personal things that are good for you no matter how unpopular they may seem to others

31:10 Beth implores the audience to stay in tune with themselves and surrounded by people who feed your soul

33:26 Being intentional about addressing your needs

35:50 Sandy closes the show, previewing a future discussion on the body/mind connection