“If you need to help to stay positive, you need to think back on the best moments of your life and write them down.” Kristina Bouweiri, President & CEO of Reston Limousine, and Micha Weinblatt, Founder and CEO of Crooked Monkey, share the new ways and mechanisms that they had to bring in as a company after COVID-19 to pivot and the hardest things they had to do to stay afloat. Both guests highlight the importance of being transparent about mental wellness in the workplace and how each generation manages mental fitness differently.

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“The hardest thing to do in your life is to stop doing something you do all the time and start doing the next thing.” Emily Rasowsky, Marketing at Amazon, and Steve Polo, Managing Partner at OPX, share their insights on the four generations that are in the workforce and how they align on mental fitness. Both guests discuss the importance on how connecting mental fitness to the employee experience in companies would outperform the companies that do embrace similar practices and values.


Join in on the conversation on how employers can help bridge the generational gap in the workforce through facilitating dialogue around mental fitness – because #WeAreEveryone


Key Takeaways:
0:00 Intro
1:45 Emily and Steve talk about what they think mental fitness is and being aware of the importance of mental strength
3:54 Steve and Emily talk about how they practice mental fitness on a daily basis and also encourage their teams and others around them to adopt a similar type of mindset
8:59 Steve talks about the importance of a leader always checking up on their employees in non-work related issues and find out how they are doing
13:17 Emily and Steve share their thoughts on the four generations that are in the workforce and how they relate to the mental fitness topic
17:37 Emily talks about the top to down management and how that should change and leaders allow their employees to give opinions and also talks about managing our personal stuff
21:17 Emily shares her perspective on the top down management and if there’s going to be a change as time goes and start seeing leaders supporting their employees on a personal level
24:07 Emily also talks about how the pandemic has affected the mental health and wellness of people by being lonely and how to deal with the situation
25:38 Steve and Emily talk about how connecting the mental fitness piece to the employee experience in companies would outperform the companies that don’t do that
28:15 Steve and Emily talk about the importance of leaders giving their employees a sick day just to go and think about their lives
33:28 Steve and Emily talk about culture and ways in which they can improve it in companies so as to increase the mental health and wellness of employees
37:47 Steve and Emily explain how a bottom up ends up relationships in companies ends up influencing some of those of leaders who don’t really know what to do especially on mental health
40:34 Emily and Steve defines mental wellness in their own terms and what mental wellness means to them
43:47 Emily and Steve also share what it is that helps them flex their mental fitness muscles


Shows Mentioned:



Lo-Fi, low-fidelity, is a music or production quality in which elements usually regarded as imperfections of a recording or performance are audible, sometimes as a deliberate aesthetic choice.


Quotes Mentioned:
“The hardest thing to do in your life is to stop doing something you do all the time and start doing the next thing.”
“Be sure to check in on your quiet friends, on your happy friends, on your strong friends and each other.”
“The future of any of our organizations is totally dependent on younger people.”
“When there’s a deadline that’s related to something critical for the business.”
“People are going to have to be responsible for their own groups.”
“Loneliness is one of the highest indicators of poor health or deteriorating health or bad health outcomes.”
“If your top leaders align to core goals or core values that are truly throughout, then you can see the success of the buffer.”
“Mental wellness is being able to face the demands on my day, demands on my person, in all strata of my life.”
“You just got to be tough and tough it out.”


Guests Social Media Links:
Steve Polo:


Emily Rasowsky: