I am so excited to see the Mental Wellness Basics platform continue to grow. Through our partnership with EVERFI we are making tremendous strides to give youth the mental wellness skills and knowledge. Excited to share news of some new partners.
Canadian Partners
Since the start of the year, EVERFI has welcomed 3 new Mental Wellness Basics partners – all in Canada!
United Way of Calgary & United Way of Vancouver are sponsoring the course locally in their respective communities.
Shaw Communications – a Canadian telecommunications company – is sponsoring MWB across the rest of Canada through the end of the 2019-2020 academic year. We’re excited to see our work in Canada grow!
Seeking sponsors and supporters
Sponsors are need to help ensure we can offer this program for FREE to schools and kids. If you are interested in learning more about partner with Pivotal Moments and EVERFI through the Mental Wellness Coalition send me an email: bob.morgan@pivotalmoments.org.